The Barrow Gang

Creative Strategies for Bold Success

Category: Scalability

  • Board Power

    Board Power

    finding the keys to unlocking your nonprofit’s potential In a small nonprofit brimming with dedicated employees, you can indeed accomplish wonders. However, compact teams often face the hurdle of limited specialized skills, impacting the organization’s effectiveness and growth potential. Surprisingly, one of the more underutilized resources within your organization might just be your board members.…

  • Quality Unleashed

    Quality Unleashed

    Increase your nonprofit might by mastering metrics Small and mighty nonprofits can accomplish a great deal, yet the struggle cannot be ignored. Passion and purpose drive operational excellence, but with a limited number of hands on deck, it often means there’s less time to dedicate to each task. This can lead to decreased quality, especially…

  • Punching Above Your Weight

    Punching Above Your Weight

    Strategic Steps for Nonprofit Growth and Resilience We must remember that it’s okay to be small, but sometimes you want to swing like a prize fighter. To make that swing, you need the strength—or in this case, the organizational capacity—to hit the target squarely. An Organizational Audit is an indispensable tool when prepping to punch…