The Barrow Gang

Creative Strategies for Bold Success

Tag: Marketing

  • Boost Donor Love with Automation

    Boost Donor Love with Automation

    Make and impression on your stakeholders with help from ai Automating tasks is like hiring the best employee you never knew you needed, and it can be a game-changer for improving your organization’s donor retention. Consistent, polished communication might be hard to maintain regularly, but with a smart strategy, you can make sure those who…

  • SEO Quick Fixes

    SEO Quick Fixes

    A fearless guide for nonprofits to quickly and efficiently Upgrade your seo SEO… OMG. After a long day filled with programs, and bussing ten-year-old scientists to a remote location, the last thing you want to think about is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The battle for visibility and outreach online can often feel like searching for…

  • Donor Love UNLOCKED

    Donor Love UNLOCKED

    Boost retention with simple segmentation secrets – 3 easy steps to boost donor retention Finding dedicated donors is hard, but keeping them is the most crucial job you have as a nonprofit. As we navigate the ebb and flow of donor retention, the challenge often lies in holding onto the uniqueness that brought them into…

  • Is Your Nonprofit Being Overshadowed?

    Is Your Nonprofit Being Overshadowed?

    3 Quick Tips to Help Your Nonprofit Brand Stand Out in a Crowd and no one’s really doing number 3 The majority of small to medium-sized nonprofits fail due to a lack of funding. It is far and away the most common question I get as a consultant: How can we raise more money? It’s…